Saturday, October 24, 2009

Classroom Events

October 19 - Our salmon eggs arrived from the Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife!  This is an exciting chance to experience the salmon life cycle in our own classroom and our entire class is enthralled with the project.  More updates will follow.

October 21 - Five volunteer students from our classroom presented their Salmon Life Cycle Banners and Salmon Song to the Board of Directors.  It took an amazing amount of courage to speak in front of approximately 30 people.  They did an amazing job!  

October 27 and 28  - Conferences are an opportunity for your child to share what they have accomplished so far and their goals for the school year.  Please contact me if you need to schedule/re-schedule a conference time.  Otherwise, I'll see you in a few days!

October 28 - An expert from the Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership will be visiting our classroom.  The purpose of the visit is to further delve into issues relating to healthy streams and stream tables.  Check out for more info on LCREP's mission statement and philosophies.

November 2 - Picture Re-take Day for Charter Classrooms

November 3 - Wild Salmon vs. Hatchery Salmon Field Study.  Our class will join our buddies  (Mrs. Dunton's class) on a study of the differences and similarities between native, wild salmon and salmon raised in a fish hatchery.  This will be a 1/2 day trip (8 am - 12:30 pm) as we visit Bonneville Hatchery and a nearby stream.  Permission Slip forms will be coming home soon.  Let me know if you are interested in being a chaperone.  However, only four (4) adults will be selected, so please do not make permanent plans until you hear from me.  Thanks!