Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Out with the old; in with the new....

After a nail-biting experience at the Final Battle of the Books between Team Leone and Team Loeung, our class is the proud, joint winner of a tied battle! Check out the action...

Oh please get it right...


Savoring the victory. :)

Now Team Loeung is moving on to a different, though equally enthralling, challenge.... the Battle of the Bridges!

Yes, we are embarking on a new unit of scientific discovery revolving around the world of bridges. We are surrounded by the beauty and functionality of bridges all the way through the gorge into downtown Portland. Why not celebrate these scientific feats of innovation by creating our own bridges?! That is exactly the plan over the next month as we study the structural components of bridges such as roadbeds, trusses, and arches. Later, we will construct our own bridges using the knowledge gained from these structural lessons.

Meanwhile, we have shifted our Gorge focus onto the developments of the last 100 years - as is was "then" and as it is "now". Traveling back in time to remember, collect and record the impacts of the Scenic Highway, Vista House, Bonneville Dam and the loss of Celilo Falls into our "Memory Books." Check out the pictures below of us drawing the majestic landscapes visible from the Vista House....