Monday, May 10, 2010

Art Mural Project

The First Phase of the Art Mural Project is completed! Corbett Grade School and Corbett Charter School students created a replication of the Lower Columbia River Gorge in their own school hallway. Each of the approximately 400 students painted a plant, animal, or point of interest true to the magnificent place where they go to school – the gorge. The students raised money during their annual jog-a-thon, sponsored by the PTA, to hire artists to plan a three year project to represent the gorge from Troutdale to Biggs. The artists painted the background that frames a painting from each and every student. The area for this year's portion of the mural spans 140 feet of hallway. The students are representing the knowledge they have learned in their placed based education of the magnificent story of the gorge. You may view a student-painted Multnomah Falls, a Pacific Salmon, a River Otter or a Bird of Prey as you walk down the hallway. This project was highlighted on Channel 12 KPTV during the Sunday evening broadcast. Check out the video link and pictures of our students hard at work to create this amazing re-creation of the gorge!

The movie link:

Students creating their individual contributions to add to the mural....

The professional artists painting the mural backdrop....

The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to display the final product!

Up-Coming Events

Thursday, May 14
Rowena Field Trip
8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Wednesday, May 19

Beginning Band Concert
7:00 – 8:00 pm
Multipurpose Building

Wednesday, May 26
Funky Monkeys Concert
1:20 – 2:20 pm
Grade School Gym

Friday, May 28
School Day

Monday, May 31
Memorial Day – no school

Tuesday, June 1

Portfolio Night*

Wednesday, June 2
Portfolio Night*

Thursday, June 3
Zoo Field Trip
8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Friday, June 4

Last Day of School*

*more detailed information to follow

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Outdoor School Wrap-Up

As the weekend comes to a close, the parents of Outdoor School students are inevitably still discovering the lingering effects.... mud-caked boots, a household filled with singing, and a child forever changed by this amazing experience. I feel honored to have witnessed the inspiring student transformations firsthand: students battled their homesickness to embrace the support of their cabin leaders and friends, others, who started out hesitant during field study time, began to voluntarily answer questions and participate, and most went from social uncertainty to initiating friendships with students from other schools. These are just a few accomplishments of your children and I am incredibly proud of them! I hope you, as parents, continue to discover the transformations in your child as the up-coming weeks unfold. For now, take a peek at a few pics of this incredible journey known as Outdoor School...