Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Scholastic Book Orders

A Scholastic Book Order went home with your child this afternoon. If you would like to order any books through Scholastic, please order by Thursday, October 1. You can place your orders on-line or by using the paper order form and paying with a check made payable to Scholastic Book Clubs. Since our classroom will receive a free book for every on-line order placed, that is my preferred order method. :) However, feel free to utilize the best option for your family. Here's how the on-line ordering process works:

1.Go to to access the Scholastic On-line Ordering site. Click on "Parent" and "Continue," then enter the below user name and password. Then you may select books from the "Arrow" or "Tab" catalogs.

User Name: mrsloeungsclass
Password: bookorders

2.Browse the titles with your child, and place your order with your credit card. Placing your on-line credit card order is completely safe and secure.

3.Your order will come to me and your credit card payment will go directly to Scholastic's secure server. There's no need to send money to school.

4.After I submit the entire class order to Scholastic, your order will be delivered to our classroom for your child to take home.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 503-695-3636 x275 or

Happy Book Browsing!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Up-Coming Events

Open House - Monday, 9/21 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm

Salmon Life Cycle Project - We still need more wax paper, spray starch, 6 dowels (1/8" x 14") and yarn (20") for our project next week. If you would like to contribute, please send the items to school with your child next week.

Permission Slips - Fluoride slips and Health Data forms should be returned as soon as possible. Once I have permission slips from all students, we will be able to start the fluoride program. Thanks!

Picture Day - The Charter School's picture day will be on Wednesday, September 30th. Lifetouch packets will be coming home in your child's backpack sometime next week.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Open House - Monday, 9/21

This is just a reminder that the Charter Open House is next Monday, 9/21 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. This will be an opportunity for you to visit our classroom, sign up for October Conferences, and meet me, among other things. If you would like to discuss any issues surrounding your specific child, I welcome you to contact me via e-mail or telephone. I look forward to seeing you next Monday!

~Mrs. Loeung

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Classroom Projects
Student projects will generally be completed in the classroom. These projects will include reading silently for 30 minutes each day in class, responding to their reading through a weekly letter to me, initiating self-directed writing pieces in various genres, and creative re-enactments, journals and presentations about the plants and animals of the Columbia River Gorge. Students will be given ample time to complete each project in class, though some exceptions may apply. As a general rule, do not expect to see writing pieces, Columbia Gorge projects, reading letters, or other projects come home. I encourage you to participate in your child's learning through a daily conversation about what your child learned and experienced each day in class.

The independent, spiraling math program is set up to encourage students to strive towards their best potential, with the goal of completing at least 9 tests (45 lessons) each trimester. To meet this expectation, students should complete at least one lesson each day. This includes correcting their own lessons (honesty is the policy) and fixing errors until every problem is correct. If a lesson is not completed in class, students are expected to complete it at home. The next day, that lesson should be corrected at school. A test will be provided after every five lessons. Once students successfully complete the test (missing four or less problems), they will move on to the next set of lessons.

In addition to any math homework, your child is expected to read for 30 minutes at home each night. This reading should be student-selected and is in addition to the 30 minutes of reading at school. My philosophy is that a child who enjoys reading is a child who is able to select their own reading material. This 30 minutes should be uninterrupted time, so a quiet place in your home would be ideal.

Each student is responsible for checking their mailbox and bringing home important notices to parents. These notices can include anything from up-coming field trip information, PTA updates, contact information forms for student files, or information about special events in our classroom or in the school-wide community. Keep in mind that some days are heavier “mail days” than others. Overall, student mailboxes are one of the key sources of communication between us (parents and teacher) so please hold your child accountable for bringing key information home and promptly returning it to school, if required.

Communication is the cornerstone of a well-functioning relationship. I will periodically update the classroom blog ( to relate important information to parents such as up-coming field trips, special events in the classroom or logistical information. Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions, comments or concerns relating to your child. E-mail is generally the best way to contact me throughout the school day. You can reasonably expect a response within a few school days. The best times to reach me via telephone is between 3:35 and 4:30 pm, Mondays through Thursdays. My contact information is below so I look forward to getting to know you better as we progress through the school year.

Dacia Loeung
503.695.3636 x275